The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

U.S. to boost Mexican border defence with da-fence!

We get the BBC World News on cable here and I enjoy watching it since they provide more of a "European" slant to the news.

Pay attention, America! It's good to know what other people think about ya!

The lead article yesterday was about the fact that more agents will soon be sent to patrol America's border with Mexico.

The US government is to increase security at the country's border with Mexico in an attempt to combat drug cartels, the White House has announced.

Immigration, customs and anti-drug agents and gun law enforcement officers will be reinforced as part of a $700m undertaking.

Barack Obama pledged his administration would do more to support Mexico in its fight against drugs cartels if needed since some 8,000 people have died along the Mexico/U.S. border in the past two years in drug gang turf wars.

The south-west US has also seen rising violence and kidnappings as a result!

In a news conference at the White House, President Obama said he would be carefully watching to see what effect the $700m plan had on the situation, vowing to do more if necessary.

Now, here is the point of this article folks.

Just a couple of days ago a bunch of assholes on Fox News were making fun of Canada and your humble author is still upset about it.


Look at the difference kids!

Where would you rather live, on the Mexican or Canadian border?

After all..... this is the place where we don't need no stinkin' badges!!


-Allan; This situation will only escalate. I wonder how many folks that opposed the "fence" will soon be regretting that decision!
Tammy N.,

-Allan; Many of us that live in states along the southern border are thinking/saying "I told you so" over all this. I bet it gets worse before it gets any better too.
John S. (arizona),

-Allan; It might be beneficial to do more than just patrol the border. Such as helping the Mexican Government internally. But, it's nice to attack the surface of things without getting to the root of the problem, presidents are good at that.
Dusty W

-Allan; I think it’s great they are finally putting some elbow grease into the issue instead of just throwing cash and hoping someone will clean up the mess on BOTH sides.
I would, however, be very weary in Canada and other areas..Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars are at hand, sticking a finger in one leak of the damn will only cause pressure to create another leak, in a different area.
Unless things change and there is a SERIOUS revision of ”Drug War” strategies, the drugs will still enter.
Mexico was not the first to supply U.S. demands and will surely NOT be the last.
Wayne Logic halifax, Canada

-The nature of people is the same all over the world and no one person or country are solely responsible or any one person or any one country going to solve the war on drugs.
It should be the war on us mostly selfish all about me attitude and you and i know it is a battle that will never be won.
Borders and flags are the greatest brainwashers humans have come up with to controll people and have they lay blame on others –and not spend a cent Comment Link Welcome Allan. Join the discussion!
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Oaxaca, Mexico

-Very true... Everything is the ”me and mine” concept, unfortunatly, ”me and mine” tend to lack the understanding that you and yours, we and ours and they and theirs can be affected as well.
The war on drugs is a failure..plain and simple. There will never be a time that the ”world” will begin to collectivly think of ”our issues”, we need what we need and feel we have a right to it at the moment, we just don’t think further down the line..
Strategies must change. I’m all for rules, laws, and authority..But there comes a time, wh n we have to face the music and really evaluate ourselves and our society.
Where the solution lies, I don’t know..I do know nothing will favor all, it may be time to start thinking of the lesser of two evils.
Wayne Logic halifax, Canada

-Very true but as you know all the people that could make the changes are all selfesh as well.
There are only about 10% of humans that think about the good of the entire community or the welfare of fellow humans.
OSCAR 90% of all humans take some form of stimulus either the favorite alcohol or drugs and too many others to write.
Knowing this only a sane person like me knows that most humans are not able to take charge of others not along themselves because if one once of alcohol passed a humans wanting lips then they are as mutch a problem as the drug dealers themselves.
Oscar sorry for hard truth but i live in a world of truth even if there are only a few.
Oaxaca, Mexico

-Wayne, my friend, you will never have to apoligize to me for telling the truth.
I am not blind to this world. We live in a fu*ked world becuz we essentially fu*ked the world with our greed, hedonism, egotism, waste, and irresponsibilities...People use. Some for fun, some abuse, some to hide, some for strength, and everyone in between.
But life goes on, we don’t and will never live in a perfect world. The trick is to, for now, find some type of medium...Something that will at least offer some type of progress for the majority—-
Oaxaca, Mexico

-There will never be harmony or the world working towards the health and welfare of all humans because like i said the majority are the problem and they pass their crazyness on to the next generations.
I don’t say give up because if even one person’s life is better because of a caring person then that’s something, but when the world lives by substances as alcohol than the mostly selfish humans will remain so.
There is no god that created this crazyness ,it was evolution and all it wants is the strongest genes -not caring if they are drug dealers ,or governments that sell and condone alcohol ,or murders ,or the pope.
I know how we work as as soft tissue animal but very few are able to understand or care because of their cultural brainwashing so washing begets washing.
SORRY OSCAR - just talking to myself again
Wayne Logic

(NOTE; Am I ever glad I didn't get involved in THIS discussion! -ED.)

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E ! and as a paperback H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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