The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Monday 16 March 2009

Islamic radicals slipping in U.N.'s back door again!

A few days ago we were talking about the Middle-East peace process and how it didn't look like anything would be settled anytime soon.

Most of the problems we have today rests with the Palestinians, but, as I said before, there is more than enough blame to go around.

Quick recap - The Jews needed a place to go after the Nazi's almost exterminated them during World War 11 and nobody wanted to take them, including the U.S. of A.

They finally decided to kick the Palestinians off their land and give it to the Jews because they had owned it two thousand years before!

This in itself was a crime and resulted in constant warfare and tension ever since. But, if it hadn't been for the stupid shit the Arabs did after the fact, we would have had a workable peace years ago.

(For example, how did Yassar Arafat get to be a Billionaire from Palestinian aid money eh! Answer me that one, bunky!)
As I said before, Israel's main problem is not the current situation, although they certainly can share in the blame, but the fact that they are seen as America's lapdog AND oppressor of the Palestinians. (And by default, the Muslims.)

Through virulent public relations efforts and a host of spin doctors the Jews have a terrible reputation in the Middle East and throughout most of the third world, exemplified by the amount of Jew hatred shown in the United Nations.

(This is a perfect place to show support for the Palestinians, and at the same time protest American foreign policy!)

Which brings me to a U.N. event being called Durban 11 that is to be held in Geneva, Switzerland next month.

As Lorrie Goldstein, a columnists in our local paper, The London Free Press has noted;

Canada was one of the first to announce it would not attend, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper warning Durban II was shaping up as a repeat of its predecessor in Durban, South Africa, in 2001.

That so-called "World Conference Against Racism," a creature of the UN's Israel-bashing "human rights" bureaucracy, was supposed to address all racism. But it degenerated into a racist, vile smearing of Israel and Jews.

Durban II documents suggest it will be much the same - obsessed with condemning Israel as a racist state in its treatment of the Palestinians, while ignoring far greater human rights abuses by other countries, especially Islamic dictatorships.

The latest twist is a proposed UN Human Rights Council resolution claiming, with unintentional irony, to build on the work of Durban I, purportedly seeking to make it an offence to defame or blaspheme any religion.

Only one problem!

The 1,639-word resolution, drafted by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, cites only one religion by name in need of protection from offensive speech - Islam.

In fact, the importance of protecting Islam and Muslims from defamatory speech is cited five times in the resolution, while Christianity, Judaism and all other faiths aren't mentioned at all!
NOW GET THIS FOLKS - The human rights organization "UN Watch" says the true intent of the resolution, which is expected to pass, is to "define any questioning of Islamic dogma as a human rights violation, intimidate dissenting voices and encourage the forced imposition of Sharia law."

It warns the biggest victims will be moderate Muslims living in totalitarian Islamic states, who will be made even more vulnerable to charges of defamation and blasphemy by radical Muslims.

And radical Muslims consider the offence of blasphemy to be punishable by death.

But don't expect Durban II to condemn that.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E ! and as a paperback H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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