The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

There's one in every crowd! OR, some people are just plain nasty!

I was doing a bit of work on my blog this afternoon and decided it was time to go through my links and see what was going on with some of them!

For anyone not familiar with these "links" they are on the left side of this blog and list some other web sites that I have run across and enjoy reading.

They run the whole spectrum of topics ranging from politics, to humor, to religion, and just general comments and personal observations!

Now I should explain that when I link to someone else's blog it is normal for them to extend this courtesy by linking back, since it makes both sites more widely known and also increases what we call our "exposure" to search engines.

(These are sites such as Google, Yahoo, etc. which list what we are talking about and send more readers our way!)

By linking and corresponding with various blogs and web pages I have gotten to know some very nice people including Jon Swift, Joe Gandleman from 'The Moderate Voice,' Skippy from 'Skippy the Bush Kangaroo,' Cory Doctorow from 'BoingBoing,' Memachelle that naughty lady from 'Memachelle,' Kos from 'The Daily Kos,' Matt from 'Pooflingers Anonymous,' Badtux from 'Badtux the Snarky Penguin,' John Amato from 'Crooks and Liars,' The 'Gun Toting Liberal,' and many, many more who have given me hours of reading enjoyment.

As I was reading some of these blogs I noticed that Gen. J.C. Christian of the blog "Jesus' General" had not linked back to me even though I was linked to him for about a year.

I had politely asked him a couple of times if he would kindly link back to me and this time mentioned that I would drop the link to his site if he didn't reciprocate, since it was not a one way proposition!

NOW KIDS, here comes the reason for this letter!

I got this reply, (word for word) from J.C. (I wonder if that stands for Jesus Christ?)

Thanks for your email.
At this moment, 2809 individual blogs link to me.
It is impossible for me to link back to them all.
You might consider trying another approach.
Most bloggers I know tend to deny link requests that are sweetened with extortion.
I'd include myself in that group.
Indeed, upon reading your email, my first thought was "what a fucking asshole."
Please delink me.
I don't want to be associated with you.
Now, if this Jesus guy wants to be ignorant, I guess there is not much I can do about it, but my first reaction, in a flash of anger, was to send him this letter!

Gee, if I had of known you were an arrogant, egotistical self centered bastard with an inflated sense of his own self worth I wouldn't have bothered. But, you just made me want to go out of my way to cause you problems when-ever and where-ever I can, starting with a nice piece on my blog about your attitude, you piece of shit!
Naturally this didn't accomplish anything other than letting me blow off some steam, but I can tell you this.

If you ever run across his blog or meet him in person, just remember what sort of a jerk he is!



-Allan; Didn't think you'd include the email you sent.
Gen. JC Christian

-General; Why not? I've got nothing to hide, and besides that, confession is good for the soul!

-Allan; I've found that sort of behavior with a lot of the "A-List" bloggers over the years (and Jesus' General certainly falls into that category... especially since winning the "humor" category in the Weblog Awards over Dilbert a few years ago). I generally try to update my blogroll every few months by adding in folks that link to me. I've found that it makes me feel a bit better if I don't move inactive blogs to the trash bin right away and instead added a "currently inactive" section to my blogroll. Glad to see you added me in the "nice guys" category... thanks.

-Allen; How hypocritical of you –your one of the most self centered and opinionated people around!
I think you should look in a mirror before you complain about others.
No wonder politics don’t change when people like you vote a certain way because of your family or you voted that way all your life -how narrow mined.
I personally think your possessed by the devil so i understand that it is not your mind talking ,but the devil’s, so i will pray you see the light and get you out of the torture your mind is in
Please god force the devil out of him!
Wayne logic

-WAYNE!! First of all I am tearing my hair out trying to figure why you call yourself "Wayne Logic!" Is it the water up there in Halifax?
I have read, and even published several letters from you, and assumed that you were just a bit loopy or were pulling my leg, but after this last tirade I gotta put you down for full fledged nuts, OR YA WENT FULL RETARD ON US!.
I can handle loopy, and even get a kick out of it, but psycho's make me very uneasy and I must ask you not to comment on this blog anymore.
Just to be fair I am going to put it to a vote since some readers might want to see what you will do next, but if I have my way then you will be deleted every time you show up here in the future!
Allan W Janssen

-Allan; If you are truly possessed by the devil then I would hold out for a book deal AND a major motion picture.
Lori F.

-Allan; Jesus just told me that the guy is not only loopy but also hateful.
Leo L.

-Allan; "J.C. Christian, Wayne Logic?" I don't trust those who refuse to use a real name, and instead use a state of being or thought process!
Georgiana S

-Let me tell you something Georgie, -J.C. Christian has a blog called Jesus' General and although the blog itself is very popular the guy is a real piece of work.
A nasty, egotistical, self-centered S.O.B. who lives in his own little world.
As for Wayne Logic, there is something seriously wrong with the wiring in his head.
I don't know if it's schizophrenia or just a medical condition we refer to as "fucking nuts" but if it wasn't for the entertainment value, Wayne would hve been bounced from this site long ago!

-Allan; I agree with Georgiana in regards to names. How about Wayne the Pain? Or Jiminy Cricket Christian. whoooooooooooooooo--------------eeeee, got to find my little voo-doo doll kit. ...more
jeni e

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E ! and as a paperback H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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