The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

What's the matter with those Republican kids these days!

Although I always vote Conservative here in Canada, for some reason I have always favoured the Democrats in the States.

Maybe that's because with the exception of Regan, I have always liked the Democratic candidates better, all the way back to J.F.K.

On top of this, the attitude and actions of the Republicans over the last few years have really soured me on them as a political force that's working for the good of America.

No kids, the Grand Old Party has proven itself to be self serving and grossly out of step with world events and realities.

The last eight years have seen an unprecedented rise in government corruption, thievery, dishonesty, subterfuge, incompetence, cronyism and a self righteous, holier-than-thou attitude.

I ran across an essay by Andrew Sullivan who hit the nail 'dead-on-the-head' when he described the Bush Administration and the current Republican party in general.

His first point was about an ill wind that blows no good;

Emergencies such as Katrina are precisely why the federal executive branch exists. It exists to take control and do things swiftly. Instead, the White House worried about gender politics and public relations while people drowned and corpses littered the streets of a city."
Not very nice, but all in all, fairly accurate!

Then there’s cronyism. We now all know that Michael Brown, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema), had little or no experience of managing major emergencies.

Neither had his deputy.

Nor his predecessor, when appointed.

But, they were all Bush campaign operatives and cronies.

The Senate approved his appointment after a 42-minute hearing.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg bunky!

Don't even get me started on Haliburton and private security forces or any of that other crap from Iraq.

As well, the Republicans were like a broken record concerning terrorists while you might notice that Obama gave an hour long speech last night and didn't mention Iraq or Afghanistan so much as once!

We are going to see one hell of a shift in government priorities in the next little while starting with the reversal of the drift toward religious/social conservatism.

What we need is a policy of fiscal responsibility, protecting the environment, and following foreign policies that don't hinder America's growth at home and destroy its reputation abroad!.

Unfortunately for the right, since they have been out of government there has been much clamoring to go even further right as if that will solve all their woes.

This sort of Myopic self dealing will keep our 'holier than thou' friends out of the loop for some time to come, as witnessed by comments from that right-wing hack Alex Castellanos that finds fault with every last decision made by the Democrats, without giving any alternatives or even hope for that matter.

Yes kids, the right has changed from a bunch of self-righteous do-gooders to a group of nay-sayers who can only find fault and not offer any constructive ideas of their own.

The long and short of it is that the Republicans have brought hardship and misery to not only themselves, but unfortunately, the country as well!

And I'll tell ya something else!

For a party that always felt they had to set the example...... they sure aren't showing much class!

Your "just the facts ma'am" scribe;

Allan W Janssen


-Allan; I fancy myself a conservative on a fair number of issues while remaining socially liberal, and I have to agree with this assessment of the Republicans.
Dusty W

-Very good Allan; The whole Republican thing is a sore point with me, as many of you know. They have been so blatently dishonest and conniving and a portion of America is charmed by them as a snake will charm to a flute.
Georgiana S

-Allan; I look at it this way! "_" Maybe it is in the reverse meaning that perhaps the world is out of step and these Republicans you spoke of are "sane in an insane world."
Charles "Wolverines!" M

-Allan, your title talks about Republican kids but then goes into a discussion about Dubya. I thought you were going to talk about some strange thing by the College Republicans. Yes I think in many ways the GOP has lost its way. George W Bush was not the best shining example of what the party was supposed to stand for, and that is part of the problem.
But as Reagan once said, government isn’t the solution, government is the problem. He was talking about the federal government but perhaps the same thing can be said of political parties as well. At the federal level, both parties have failed; the question is then what is happening at the grass roots level, from the towns, to the counties, to the states and on upward.
This is where I think those “Republican kids” are going to have the most influence on, and they don’t have much time, it’s less than two years to the next congressional elections!
Christopher B

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E ! and as a paperback H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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