The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Thursday 12 March 2009

The worst part about being an asshole is that ya don't even know it!

Nobody wants to be an asshole, RIGHT?

I mean, unless ya got something seriously wrong with you, ya just don't want to be an asshole!


End of story.

AND, the worst part about being an asshole is that ya don't realize it!

Of course not!

Otherwise ya wouldn't BE an asshole now, would ya!

Well, just about the same thing can be said for religious fanatics..... and misguided Creationists...... and holy rollers.

They don't realize that they are stupid and ignorant, otherwise they would probably try and change themselves....., or at least get better educated about stuff.

But, Church dogma keeps the shackles and blinders on pretty tight, and they aren't about to let go!

No sir, when ya got a bunch of mushrooms, all you want to do is keep them in the dark and throw shit on them.

After a while they even start to like it!

(I often have these fantasies about all the guys in the "Head Office" sitting around, laughing and shooting the breeze, about how they got everybody roped into their "religious" scam and what can they do to fuck people up next! You know, like L. Ron Hubbard used to do. And don't tell me he didn't, because I SAW HIM DO IT!))

Well, I'll tell ya what it is kids!

It's like I say in my book; "The Plain Truth About God:"

Which brings me to an article put out by the Creationist crowd about what is wrong with Evolution!

(Instead of the other way around.)

What they do is try and cut the Evolutionists off at the knee to prove a point.

Or, cut them to the quick.

And if ya ever had a cut quick, you know how painful that can be!

So, here are a few of their misguided attempts to throw us off the track of truth, justice, and the American way!

And a few of my answers!

-Evolution is the foundation of an immoral worldview. (Lies)

-Crime rates etc. have increased since evolution began to be taught. (Damned lies, and how the hell can you draw a comparison like that anyway?)

-Survival of the fittest implies might makes right. (Yea, I'll give em that one!)

-Evolution leads to social Darwinism. (I don't even know what that means but apparently it's a dirty word!)

-Marx admired and corresponded with Darwin. (So what! What has that to do with the price of tea in Moscow)

-Evolution is racist. (Yes it is, but not in a bad way. Only that the fittest races survives, and that's a law of nature kids!)

-Darwin himself was a racist. (Lies, just a smear campaign! Unless you're referring to Eugenics)

-Evolution encourages eugenics. (100% for sure, that's what evolution is all about.... improving the race!)

-Darwin's work refers to "preservation of favoured races". (Absolutely, and unless you're prepared to argue with Mother Nature I wouldn't go there if I were you!)

-Hitler based his views on Darwinism. (Absolutely, but if Hitler was nuts and perverted Darwin, what does that have to do with Darwin?)


Not yet?

How about now!

-Evolution encourages promiscuity and lust. (That, my friends, is really reaching!)

-Evolution teaches that we are animals and to behave as such. (Good, they got another one right!)

-Homosexuality receives approval from evolutionists. (They threw that one in just for the hell of it!)

-Evolutionists are intellectual snobs. (Do you mean are we smarter than you? Yea, I guess so!)

-Fairness demands evolution and creation be given equal time. (That is utter bullshit! Besides that, life ain't fair anyway!)

-Biology can reasonably be taught without evolution. (No boys, biology can NOT be taught AT ALL, without evolution!)

-Evolution will soon be widely rejected. (Cough, choke, puke!)

-Many current scientists reject evolution. (See above)

-Many scientists find problems with evolution. (Not many... most! But the reason for that is that we don't know ALL the workings of Evolution YET!)

-Evolution is only a theory. (Absolutely, but you're using "theory" in the same context as "guess," not in the scientific sense!)

-Evolution has not been proved. (This is the biggest lie of all. EVOLUTION HAS BEEN PROVEN AS MUCH AS THE "THEORY" OF GRAVITY! Care to argue that one?)

Karl Popper said Darwinism is not testable. (Then how do you explain bacteria (germs) evolving to become "antibiotic resistant bacteria!)

Evolutionists interpret evidence on the basis of their preconceptions. (Now this is a 100% case of the kettle calling the pot black!)

-Scientists are pressured not to challenge established dogma. (See above!)

-Mims was fired because he was a creationist. (Don't know who he is, but I would have fired his ass too!)

-Damadian was denied a Nobel prize because he was a creationist. (GOOD!)

-Scientists are motivated to support naturalism and reject creationism. (Of course, they are in a search for the truth about how nature works.)

-Creationists are prevented from publishing in science journals. (THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S NOT SCIENCE, YOU ASSHOLES!)

-Evolutionists do not accept debate challenges. (Can't argue with that. I wouldn't debate with someone who was ignorant, pigheaded, misguided, totally brainwashed and not open to accept anything but his/her own petty worldview!)

-Evolutionists have not met Hovind's challenge to prove evolution. (CHOKE!!!! MANY TIMES! AS A MATTER OF FACT, THE SON-OF -A-BITCH STILL OWES ME $100,000 BUCKS FOR PROVING IT, AND HE WON'T PAY UP!)

No gradual biochemical evolution models have been published. (That is just utter, outright, barefaced, bold, cowardly bullshit!)

"Survival of the fittest" is a tautology. (After looking up "tautology" your statement makes even less sense than it did before I knew what it meant! But then, so do you!)

-Problems with evolution are evidence for creation. (What they mean folks, is that disproving Evolution, [which they haven't] automatically means that creationism is right by default!........Wrong!)

The Origin of Species does not address Speciation. (Another lie to throw at the wall and see if it sticks!)

Now all this typing and arguing doesn't mean a thing kids, because the Creationists will just ignore anything or anyone that doesn't agree with them, and merrily go on their way!

Hasta la vista, baby.


-Great article Allan!! I love reading your stuff!
Kimber L.

-Mr. Janssen; God is not mocked! Repent, or go to hell with the other sinners!
Jeb O.

-Dear Jeb, please send me your address so I can personally come over and piss on your shoes!

-Evolution, Conscious Divinity sending out bolts of energy and matter and saying: "Let there be life!" Whatever. Just blind moths in the darkness burning for the light.
libramoon C.

-They will sail off their flat earth one day!it is sad allan, I have tried and tried to teach a lot of these people the reality of science and free will and I can't get through, they are missing the part of the brain that evolved in the rest of us and are still mud-grubbers, recreating more and more of their own kind to feed the machines of progress. Poor sad nehanderthals that they are!
Georgiana S.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E ! and as a paperback H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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