The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Saturday 19 June 2010

STOP! ZAP! Or I'll shoot!

Robert Dziekanski, who did not speak English, died after being stunned five times with a Taser gun at Vancouver airport in 2007.

Now he district attorney general of British Columbia has said that a special prosecutor would look into possible criminal charges against the four officers involved.

Thomas Braidwood, the head of the inquiry commission, said that police had not been justified in using the Taser, and that Mr Dziekanski had not posed a threat to the officers, as had been claimed.

He said that the five jolts and the ensuing struggle with police had "contributed substantially to Mr Dziekanski's death".

Mr Braidwood said the video "shocked and repulsed people around the world".

(The inquiry was set up after a video, filmed by a bystander, was released to the media.)

I have said time and again that cops routinely misuse stun guns and put the public at risk, and it looks as if someone is finally starting to pay attention.

(These stun guns were supposed to be used as a last resort before clubbing or shooting someone, but they quickly became a method of enforcing compliance with minimal effort by the cops!)

In other words, why go to the trouble of wrestling someone to the ground when you can just zap them, and then watch them fall down! (Plus, it's a lot more entertaining when you can watch someone flop around on the floor like a fish!)

NOW HERE COMES THE REALLY GOOD PART KIDS.........., Before his death, Mr Dziekanski reportedly asked the policemen who were zapping him; "Have you lost your minds?"
The commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, William Elliott, apologised to Mr Dziekanski's mother, Zofia Cisowski.

"I would like to express sincere regrets and apologise unconditionally for the role of the RCMP in this tragic death.

"Our policies and training were inadequate. The actions of our officers were inappropriate," he said at a news conference.
That may very well be true, but we have to take into consideration the mindset of these cops when we learn that one of the officers involved has already been suspended due to an investigation into a separate incident!

This would seem to suggest an ongoing abuse of authority which is not that uncommon amongst our "finest!"

And one more thing for you to think about.......... what if there had not been a video of this confrontation?


MrsRoadRunner said;
I feel these stun guns and every other such things should not be used. Cops are people. People become cops for a reason, if there is a person who has problems..... they go into law enforcement or some other control position.
In our state it is becoming VERY COMMON for the cops to shoot and kill people with their guns. It is getting horrible over here in the northwest. So lets give these killers a toy to use and guns.... just does not make sense!!
AND people are wondering why cops are being slaughtered in their cars (something else that is going on over here)..... as well as kicked out of restaurants. We need REAL peace officers, not what we have now.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E! and H E R E! And as a paperback H E R E ! and H E R E !

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