Alright boys and girls let me get this straight so that there is no misunderstanding.
I don’t like teachers.
1110171-Clipart-Cartoon-Embarassed-Naked-Man-Covering-His-Privates-Royalty-Free-Vector-IllustrationThey are overpaid, under worked, (especially the university professors) and they don’t live in the real world!
Besides, they’re all socialists…………………. you know, NDP types!
As lawmakers on both sides of the border await Barack Obama’s final stamp of approval on Keystone XL, a Canadian academic says the U.S. president would be doing Canada “a favour” if he blocks the controversial pipeline project.
In an op-ed that appeared in Sunday’s New York Times, professor Thomas Homer-Dixon said that saying no to Keystone XL would be one way of putting a clamp on growth of the Canadian oilsands industry, which he says damages the environment, undermines Canadian democracy and distorts the economy.
See what I mean about not living in the real world! This guy says we will have to give up fossil fuels eventually, so why not right now?
In an interview with CTV News Channel Monday, Homer-Dixon said the issue of Keystone XL and the safe transportation of oil is in some ways a distraction from the broader implications of Canada’s greater reliance on what is ultimately a “dead-end industry.”
“We need to be looking back at the oilsands industry itself and thinking very carefully in Canada about whether that’s really what we want to do,” he said.
As climate change becomes an increasingly serious problem, he argued, countries around the world are eventually going to “wind down” on carbon fuel systems, and turn to other kinds of energy.
“I hate to say this, it’s hard for Canadians to accept, but the oilsands is a dead-end industry for Canada, and blocking Keystone would be one way of getting across that message to folks in Alberta.”
imagesCAKYEAB4That’s right folks, this guy says that oil might be in short supply in a hundred years so we should deny Alberta today……………………….., just so they get used to it, you understand!

All this from a guy who makes terrific money, has a lifetime job, and can well afford to be an environmentalist because he lives in the never never land of academia!
While Homer-Dixon said there is “no question” about the industry’s economic benefits in the short-term, the disproportionate amount of investment in the western part of the country is leading to deficiencies in other sectors, such as high-tech innovation.“In the long-run, it would probably benefit Canada if we became less dependent upon single-resource systems and resources bases like this one,” he said of the oil industry.

The industry is also undermining Canadian democracy, Homer-Dixon said, by suggesting that anyone who questions the industry is unpatriotic.

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