Doug Ford has told Toronto radio station Newstalk 1010 that the pair will begin an online series called “Ford Nation.”
That was also the name of their recent one-episode show on Sun television.
Ford says they plan to upload the first episode to YouTube “before Christmas.”
ALSO, the Ford brothers have been contacted by production houses in the U.S. about doing a reality show — ”everyone from Oprah to Dr. Phil.”
Well, anything will be better than the Kardashians! -Ed.
Valerie Harper has continued to defy the odds, out and about
11 months after doctors gave her three months to live back in January.
The former “Rhoda” star, 74, returned to “Dancing with the Stars” to
perform on the Season 17 finale on Tuesday and said that while she has
experienced some minor complications from her terminal cancer, overall
she’s feeling well.
“I had a few little strange things but they probably would have happened anyway,” the actress told People of her current health. “I don’t have any big terrible symptoms, so as long as that’s happening and I’m seeing my doctors, what’s to complain about?
Cpl. Ronald Francis, who serves with J Division in New Brunswick,
told CBC News two officers showed up at his home at Kingsclear First
Nation Thursday evening.
Francis said his cousin shot video as the officers took his regular working uniform — “anything that identified me as a member of the RCMP: my work shirts, work pants, my jackets, my gloves, my hat, my cap badge.”
“I worked hard for that uniform,” he said. “I bled for that uniform. I cried for that uniform for 21 years… They ordered me to give the only thing that I’ve lived and identified with for 21 years.”
His red serge uniform was not seized as it was at his girlfriend’s, but he has been ordered to hand it over to the commissionaire at J Division tomorrow at noon, he said. Francis said he will follow the order.
More cop stuff with a different twist!
German policeman ‘kills and eats’ another man!
Police in Dresden say they have arrested a
55-year-old police officer on suspicion of murder after the body of
another man was found in the Erz mountains in eastern Germany.
They say there are indications that parts of the victim may have been eaten.
The dead man lived in Hanover and had been reported missing.
Police believe that the two men met via an internet site for those interested in sex with torture.
Your inquisitive reporter ran across an article in Billboard magazine that listed the top Jewish entertainers and celebrities.
It has actors and actresses, musicians, producers, directors, people
in front of the camera, and behind it, writers and artists ………………., the
bloody list goes on for dozens of pages!
WELL, that’s all fine and good, but not wanting to be left out……….. I’m waiting for them to come out with a list of Lutheran entertainers and celebs!
Dear Readers, one of the blogs your humble author follows is called “The Superficial,” and is written by a guy called “anonymous!”
This is a good article about Sara Palin and I thought you might enjoy it!
The article then went on to show various pictures of Sara in a bikini………………….. but I’m sure you don’t want to see them!!!!!!
Well, O.K. but just one!
That was also the name of their recent one-episode show on Sun television.
Ford says they plan to upload the first episode to YouTube “before Christmas.”
ALSO, the Ford brothers have been contacted by production houses in the U.S. about doing a reality show — ”everyone from Oprah to Dr. Phil.”
Well, anything will be better than the Kardashians! -Ed.
“I had a few little strange things but they probably would have happened anyway,” the actress told People of her current health. “I don’t have any big terrible symptoms, so as long as that’s happening and I’m seeing my doctors, what’s to complain about?
A Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer who believes he
should be able to smoke medical marijuana while in uniform has had his
uniform seized by fellow Mounties.
Francis said his cousin shot video as the officers took his regular working uniform — “anything that identified me as a member of the RCMP: my work shirts, work pants, my jackets, my gloves, my hat, my cap badge.”
“I worked hard for that uniform,” he said. “I bled for that uniform. I cried for that uniform for 21 years… They ordered me to give the only thing that I’ve lived and identified with for 21 years.”
His red serge uniform was not seized as it was at his girlfriend’s, but he has been ordered to hand it over to the commissionaire at J Division tomorrow at noon, he said. Francis said he will follow the order.
More cop stuff with a different twist!
The dead man lived in Hanover and had been reported missing.
Police believe that the two men met via an internet site for those interested in sex with torture.
Your inquisitive reporter ran across an article in Billboard magazine that listed the top Jewish entertainers and celebrities.
WELL, that’s all fine and good, but not wanting to be left out……….. I’m waiting for them to come out with a list of Lutheran entertainers and celebs!
Dear Readers, one of the blogs your humble author follows is called “The Superficial,” and is written by a guy called “anonymous!”
This is a good article about Sara Palin and I thought you might enjoy it!
Welcome back to The Superficial review of Sarah Palin‘s new book Good Tidings and Great Joy where her ghostwriter details the quitting governor’s thoughts on The War on Christmas,
and why good Christians should fight back against liberals who are
making sure our government doesn’t advocate a national religion like The Constitution
says it shouldn’t. (Everyone knows the only real amendment is the
second one anyway, amirite?) So here are two more chapters from “The
Establishment Clause? How Does It Work?” written by the rootin’
tootin’est protector of Christmas in America for to you enjoy in the
midst of Black Friday shopping and/or nestled safe and sound in your
basement where you won’t get beaten for 70% off Pyrex. On a clear day, I
can get the news in my knees…
In this chapter, a leather boots-wearing Sarah Palin always makes sure the local government in Wasilla puts up a Nativity scene while during her time as mayor in the 90s. Much like Going Rogue, this includes exchanges with townfolk that sound too syrupy, saccharine good to be true that naturally there’s no way to verify whether they did or didn’t happen. It’s her signature writing style:
Did you catch all that? No one even knows where
Wasilla is, so it’s perfectly okay to say fuck the Constitution and
non-Christians under our little rock where no one will ever find them,
muahahahaha. Put that arrow in your Sarah Palin’s Guide to Circumventing
Decency Quiver alongside this next gem: About to get sued for your
Nativity scene? Throw some Rudolph in that shit and, BOOM, secular
holiday display.. defeating all the words she already wrote and will
write about how that’s bad. But whatevs! And if that doesn’t work, sue
the bastards which flies in complete contradiction to the previous
chapter where Sarah Palin complains about lawsuits. Although, she does
have a point because there are okay odds that some circuit judge will
not only let you keep your Nativity scene, but also won’t make you put
up other religious symbols in a spirit of inclusion because, c’mon, Kwanzaa? That sounds made up.
As to the point of all this, if we don’t stop atheists now – and this is Sarah Palin’s actual, 100% point – America will become Soviet Russia because atheism always cause bad shit to happen while Christianity always causes good shit. There is absolutely zero historical evidence that can refute that. None. And don’t even bring up the Spanish Inquisition because Sarah Palin will tell you atheism’s track record makes it “seem like Disneyland.” The good part with all the rides, I’ll assume she means, and not Epcot with all the science and learning. That’s a recipe for Communist chili, you betcha.
I’ll give Sarah Palin(‘s ghostwriter) this. She knows how to paint the picture of a quintessential Christmas. I grew up in the woods of northeastern Pennsylvania, so whenever someone starts talking about snow-covered trees and pastries on Christmas morning I get a nostalgia boner. I’m not gonna lie. I had great Christmases as a kid even while being in every Christmas pageant at our church, and sitting through Christmas Eve service with my cousins just waiting to go back to my house to meet my grandparents (They went to a different Presbyterian church that they’d gone to for decades the next town over.) for meatballs and crab dip while going apeshit over what loot we might get the next morning. And as much as I enjoyed these Christmases, and still have fond memories of them and the traditions I’ll carry on with my own family, I would never even think to force someone to look at them and say this is the only good and right way to spend December because I grasp the concept that other cultures exist and am also not a dick.
Sarah Palin is a dick.

Because her Christmases are snow-covered Norman Rockwellian affairs steeped in Evangelical Christianity, why shouldn’t the government force everyone to observe the symbol of her religion in tax-funded schools and buildings? Have you tasted her cinnamon buns?! They’ll make you toss Hanukkah in an oven. (Poor choice of words.) Even worse than Sarah’s logic and lack of concern for other cultures who, by the why, she’ll point out are still free to “hum songs of gratitude to Mother Earth while taking turns hugging bark on December 25″ (actual quote) or whatever those “other” religions do, is her understanding of history. And here’s where you get to see the mental gymnastics involved in reconciling known, indisputable facts about the origins of Christianity with your worldview that its magic is totally real, you guys. Sarah Palin argues, if all those ancient Pagan myths and symbols were so great, why was it so easy for Christianity to steal them for Christmas and become the main religion of Rome? Clearly, real live supernatural forces triumphed here, and not, oh I dunno, the vast weight of empire that decided, “Hey, we’re doing this now and you’ll like it.” Or in Sarah Palin’s words:
Which sounds reasonable because she’s only
mentioning those goofy pagans Christianity stole a bunch of their shit
from and not say Islam, Buddhism, Judiasm, Sikhism, or any other
religions that a vast amount of Americans subscribe to who she’s
basically telling to eat a dick because, c’mon, Christmas is AWESOME.
How can you not love it? Plus it’s totally based on history because
there was a guy named Jesus who was born while his parents were
traveling back to their hometown because of a census even though there’s
no historical record of said census
taking place, nor were people required to return to their origin of
their birth during them because that makes no fucking sense. But magic
powers beat the pagans! PEW PEW PEW!
From there, Sarah Palin points that since America has a federal holiday for Christmas, that makes it a genuine historical event that everyone has to get on board with and stop saying “Happy Holidays” starting with the private sector she loves so much who took until the mid-2000s realized, “Hey, wait a minute, other religions but shit, too?” and through the beauty of the free market that Sarah also loves, they stopped mentioning Christmas specifically in December. Including her beloved Walmart, where dontcha know, she once married a couple as mayor. And it’s amazing that she’s bringing this up because here’s what Sarah Palin wrote in the introduction:
In this chapter, a leather boots-wearing Sarah Palin always makes sure the local government in Wasilla puts up a Nativity scene while during her time as mayor in the 90s. Much like Going Rogue, this includes exchanges with townfolk that sound too syrupy, saccharine good to be true that naturally there’s no way to verify whether they did or didn’t happen. It’s her signature writing style:
“I don’t know how much longer we’ll get to do this,” he confided. “Cities are getting sued left and right for acknowledging the true meaning of Christmas nowadays. And the local politicians with the guts to to stand up to the protests are caving in like an Alyeska avalanche.”
I’d already heard the preemptive defense some of our Rotarians had prepared in case they needed to counter any criticism. It had become the hip thing that year across America to force anyone and everyone to abort Christ from Christmas. “Let me fight for you, Mr. Newcomb,” I said. “Tradition and truth are on our side. What’s the worst that can happen? Some yahoo from outside Alaska gets wind of this and sues? Shoot, no one ‘outside’ has even heard of Wasilla. Let’s do this, and be assured I have your back. I know you have mine.”
As to the point of all this, if we don’t stop atheists now – and this is Sarah Palin’s actual, 100% point – America will become Soviet Russia because atheism always cause bad shit to happen while Christianity always causes good shit. There is absolutely zero historical evidence that can refute that. None. And don’t even bring up the Spanish Inquisition because Sarah Palin will tell you atheism’s track record makes it “seem like Disneyland.” The good part with all the rides, I’ll assume she means, and not Epcot with all the science and learning. That’s a recipe for Communist chili, you betcha.
I’ll give Sarah Palin(‘s ghostwriter) this. She knows how to paint the picture of a quintessential Christmas. I grew up in the woods of northeastern Pennsylvania, so whenever someone starts talking about snow-covered trees and pastries on Christmas morning I get a nostalgia boner. I’m not gonna lie. I had great Christmases as a kid even while being in every Christmas pageant at our church, and sitting through Christmas Eve service with my cousins just waiting to go back to my house to meet my grandparents (They went to a different Presbyterian church that they’d gone to for decades the next town over.) for meatballs and crab dip while going apeshit over what loot we might get the next morning. And as much as I enjoyed these Christmases, and still have fond memories of them and the traditions I’ll carry on with my own family, I would never even think to force someone to look at them and say this is the only good and right way to spend December because I grasp the concept that other cultures exist and am also not a dick.
Sarah Palin is a dick.
Because her Christmases are snow-covered Norman Rockwellian affairs steeped in Evangelical Christianity, why shouldn’t the government force everyone to observe the symbol of her religion in tax-funded schools and buildings? Have you tasted her cinnamon buns?! They’ll make you toss Hanukkah in an oven. (Poor choice of words.) Even worse than Sarah’s logic and lack of concern for other cultures who, by the why, she’ll point out are still free to “hum songs of gratitude to Mother Earth while taking turns hugging bark on December 25″ (actual quote) or whatever those “other” religions do, is her understanding of history. And here’s where you get to see the mental gymnastics involved in reconciling known, indisputable facts about the origins of Christianity with your worldview that its magic is totally real, you guys. Sarah Palin argues, if all those ancient Pagan myths and symbols were so great, why was it so easy for Christianity to steal them for Christmas and become the main religion of Rome? Clearly, real live supernatural forces triumphed here, and not, oh I dunno, the vast weight of empire that decided, “Hey, we’re doing this now and you’ll like it.” Or in Sarah Palin’s words:
Does that mean Christians won the “war on Saturnalia”? You bet.Later, Ulysses S. Grant made Christmas a holiday because as Sarah points out:
In this country, our federal holiday does not honor the agricultural gods of Rome or the pagan rituals of the winter solstice.
From there, Sarah Palin points that since America has a federal holiday for Christmas, that makes it a genuine historical event that everyone has to get on board with and stop saying “Happy Holidays” starting with the private sector she loves so much who took until the mid-2000s realized, “Hey, wait a minute, other religions but shit, too?” and through the beauty of the free market that Sarah also loves, they stopped mentioning Christmas specifically in December. Including her beloved Walmart, where dontcha know, she once married a couple as mayor. And it’s amazing that she’s bringing this up because here’s what Sarah Palin wrote in the introduction:
The pundits like to pretend that anyone who belongs to the “Christmas with Christ” version is picking a fight over a nonexistent problem. They trivialize the topic by reducing the whole issue to whether the cashier at the grocery store wishes customers “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays.” They say it’s about whether the kids’ two weeks off in December is called Winter or Christmas break.THIS IS EVERYTHING SHE BITCHES ABOUT IN THE WHOLE CHAPTER. Because by secularizing Christmas, you take out Jesus, and without Jesus, we’d all be assholes murdering each other in the streets because Christianity is the only way anyone in the history of the world has had a moral compass. Who’s to say what’s wrong without a book telling us it’s shellfish. Shellfish is wrong. What’s that shrimp is delicious? Okay, then just stick the one about gays. And part of that secularization involves commercialization which Sarah Palin rails against by pointing out the lack of the word of Christmas in holiday ads. Bad, commercialization, bad. Sarah Palin doesn’t like what you’re doing to the Baby Jesus.
The article then went on to show various pictures of Sara in a bikini………………….. but I’m sure you don’t want to see them!!!!!!
Well, O.K. but just one!
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