Traffic inches along the connector of Interstate’s 75 and 85 as snow blankets Metro Atlanta on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 28, 2014 as seen from the Pryor Street overpass. Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal is preparing to declare a state of emergency as a winter storm coats the region with snow and ice. State transportation officials said a mass of commuters leaving downtown Atlanta at once created traffic jams on interstates and surface streets. (AP Photo/The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Ben Gray)
This was enough to brighten my whole day when I read about the plight of those poor Southerners who can’t handle SNOW!
We don’t think the PMO has too much to worry about kids, because, as my Mother always says: “Ya can never get into trouble for telling the truth!“
Hey kids, it’s two assholes for the price of ONE day!
A Cape Breton man who told the Parole Board of Canada that he would probably drink and drive after serving his sentence for impaired driving causing death has been charged with breaching court orders that forbid him from entering liquor stores.
Cooper’s unusual case attracted attention after the parents of a teenager killed in a collision with Cooper’s vehicle in 2004 asked Nova Scotia authorities to provide his name and photo to liquor stores, bars and other licensed establishments.
The 55-year-old was released from prison a week ago on conditions including a two-year ban from entering any place where alcohol is sold or consumed as the primary source of business, as well as a two-year order to abstain from buying, possessing or drinking alcohol.
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A Norwegian member of parliament nominated former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize on Wednesday, arguing that his release of classified documents made the world a safer place.
Baard Vegar Solhjell, a former education and environment minister for the Socialist Left party, said Snowden’s revelations deepened the public’s understanding of the extent to which states spy on their own citizens.
Folks, it’s hard to believe, but I just ran across a third “Asshole of the day!”
Rob Ford is apparently familiar with an approach made famous by George Costanza on Seinfeld: Keep showing up places and sooner or later people will become resigned to your presence.
Ford, the Toronto mayor who drank, smoked, swore, lied, attacked, belittled and sneered his way to international infamy, got a taste of his own medicine this week when he showed up uninvited to an economic club dinner and suffered through a stinging speech that questioned his character and competence.
CP24 reports that organizers found a seat for Ford in the back of the room, but he left when BOT president and CEO Carol Wilding delivered a speech that derided his failures as mayor.
Things are heating up in the States again!
With lethal-injection drugs in short supply and new questions looming about their effectiveness, lawmakers in some death penalty states are considering bringing back relics of a more gruesome past: firing squads, electrocutions and gas chambers, firing squads, hanging and stoning!
For now, there are four titanium frame options to choose from Split, Thin, Bold and Curve. There are also three sunglasses options: Edge, Classic and Active. In the U.S., the frames will retail for $225 U.S. and the sunglasses will sell for $150. That’s on top of the $1,500 fee for the original Google Glass. The glasses will ship with non-prescription glass in them and then it will cost the user extra to add prescription lenses. There is no word on how they will look on ordinary faces.
This was enough to brighten my whole day when I read about the plight of those poor Southerners who can’t handle SNOW!
Students camped out with teachers in school gyms and commuters abandoned cars along the highway to seek shelter in churches, fire stations — even grocery stores — after a rare snowstorm left thousands frozen in their tracks. Tuesday’s storm deposited 1 1/2 inches of snow, barely enough to qualify as a storm up North. And yet it was more than enough to paralyze Deep South cities such as Atlanta and Birmingham, and strand thousands of workers who tried to rush home early only to never make it home at all.
A major Canadian Muslim group is demanding an apology from Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his chief spokesman for a comment it says linked the organization to a terrorist group ………., and therefore they qualify as our “Assholes of the Day!”.
The National Council of Canadian Muslims has filed a notice of libel in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice that accuses Jason MacDonald of acting maliciously when he made the comment earlier this month.
The council had criticized the inclusion of a controversial rabbi in Harper’s delegation that went to the Middle East last week.
“Rather than responding to our legitimate concerns, the PMO’s director of communications attacked us and attempted to smear our name by claiming NCCM had ‘documented ties to a terrorist organization such as Hamas,’” Ihsaan Gardee, the council’s executive director, told a news conference Tuesday.
The council had criticized the inclusion of a controversial rabbi in Harper’s delegation that went to the Middle East last week.
“Rather than responding to our legitimate concerns, the PMO’s director of communications attacked us and attempted to smear our name by claiming NCCM had ‘documented ties to a terrorist organization such as Hamas,’” Ihsaan Gardee, the council’s executive director, told a news conference Tuesday.
Police arrested Michael Gerard Cooper on Tuesday near a Nova Scotia Liquor Corp. outlet at a Halifax mall and charged him with violating court-ordered conditions of his recent release.
The 55-year-old was released from prison a week ago on conditions including a two-year ban from entering any place where alcohol is sold or consumed as the primary source of business, as well as a two-year order to abstain from buying, possessing or drinking alcohol.
Read more:
(It’s about time Snowden got some recognition! Wouldn’t that embarrass the shit out of the States if he WON!)
According to several news reports, Ford unexpectedly attended a Toronto Region Board of Trade (BOT) dinner Monday night at which the spot usually reserved for the city mayor had been given to Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly.
CP24 reported that Wilding, without naming Ford personally, called for better political leadership and urged the crowd of 1,500 business leaders to leave the “distractions” behind in the next election.
The speech was greeted by loud applause. Ford apparently took the cue to leave.
(Well, O.K. maybe not stoning!)
Most states abandoned those execution methods more than a generation ago in a bid to make capital punishment more palatable to the public and to a judicial system worried about inflicting cruel and unusual punishments that violate the Constitution.—————————————–
In an effort to make Google Glass look less dorky, Google announced it is launching a line of titanium frames, which can accommodate prescription lenses, with Google Glass attached.
From the promotional video, the glasses do appear to look better than the original model, which has a top frame, nose pieces, no lenses and comes in five colours: Charcoal (black), Tangerine (orange), Shale (grey), Cotton (white), Sky (blue).
Of course, the models wearing Google Glass in the promotional video are also very hip and good looking—what with their floral arrangements, ruby-red lipstick and slightly askew touques—which makes the frames look hip and good looking, too.For now, there are four titanium frame options to choose from Split, Thin, Bold and Curve. There are also three sunglasses options: Edge, Classic and Active. In the U.S., the frames will retail for $225 U.S. and the sunglasses will sell for $150. That’s on top of the $1,500 fee for the original Google Glass. The glasses will ship with non-prescription glass in them and then it will cost the user extra to add prescription lenses. There is no word on how they will look on ordinary faces.
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