Toronto Mayor Rob Ford says he
isn’t homophobic and that his campaign to have a rainbow flag taken down
from outside city hall didn’t have anything to do with his feelings
about Toronto’s Pride parade.
Meantime, his brother, Coun. Doug Ford, says they are being bullied by gay rights activists
Rob Ford IS being bullied by gay activists, plain and simple!
The sons-a-bitches are using Ford as a punching bag to promote their gay agenda and we think this is DESPICABLE!
Everyone in Ontario knows Ford’s views on this issue,
so why keep throwing it in his face …………………., unless, like the rest of
the far left, ya just like bugging the guy!
“I was just about to start feeding my son and the young lady turned around and said, ‘Do you plan on breastfeeding in here?’”
Konstanza asked if it would be a problem. When the employees said
that it would, she was directed to a fitting room. “Even though I’m sure
no one noticed what had happened, I was humiliated.”(Alberta women have the legal right to breastfeed their children anywhere and at anytime.)
(Oh, did I mention that the kid was twelve?)
This just in to the Perspective Research Department by way of the Naked News staff, is a picture of Justin Bieber and his “posse!”
(Posse’ – Your crew, your hommies, a group of friends, people who may …….., or may not, have your back!)
Hey folks, is it just me ………………………, or does anyone else see something seriously wrong with this picture!
(Like a KID from Stratford, hanging around with a bunch of urban black “gangstas”)
(The KID, the rapper, and the bodyguard!)
The ticket cost him his last few coins.
“I had only picked six numbers and the female shop assistant reminded me that I needed to pick a seventh,” he told the Guardian. “I told her to make it 24 — ‘It doesn’t matter anyway.’”
He became a millionaire.He used his 630-million Hungarian forint ($3 million Canadian) win to pay off his debts and buy apartments for himself and his wife and each of their three children, then vowed to use the rest to establish a foundation for addicts and victims of domestic abuse.
People in the “tree hugger” fringe don’t want the Keystone pipeline ……., don’t want oil transported by rail, don’t want nuclear power plants, want to get rid of oil platforms on the ocean, and don’t want cars to pollute!
O.K. We will agree to that …., but we are also going to take your name and address ….., and as soon as the oil runs out ……, you will be the first to lose your cars!
SOCHI, Russia – The IOC says it would be “wholly
inappropriate” for the Russian punk group Pussy Riot to protest at Sochi
Olympic sites.
International Olympic Committee spokesman Mark Adams said Wednesday that “venues are not the places to have demonstrations.”Two Pussy Riot members were detained by police Tuesday near the Sochi ferry terminal and later released. The two women have called for a boycott of the Sochi Games and gained worldwide attention for protesting the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Adams said the detention did not appear to be linked to the Olympics.
The detention of the Pussy Riot members as well as a gay rights activist and environmental activists in recent days has brought political tensions to the fore at the Olympics.–oly.html
Grandparents are always telling kids to save every penny. But it also appears kids should think about saving their nutmeg, too.
That’s because nutmeg has been used as a
valuable currency throughout history. Besides flavoring food, many
people used the spice as a medicine to treat everything from upset
stomachs to the bubonic plague. During the 1400s, a pound of nutmeg
could be traded for seven oxen in Germany. Later, in the 1600s, the
Dutch and British went to war over control of Indonesia, because at the
time that was the only place where nutmeg was grown.
The British eventually gave the Dutch their land
in Indonesia in exchange for an island on the other side of the world:
Cheese can be as valuable as spices. Since 1953,
the Credito Emiliano Bank in Italy has accepted wheels of Parmesan as
collateral for loans. The bank’s vaults can hold around 440,000 wheels
of cheese, each weighing about 80 pounds, and worth about $400.
That means the vault can hold around $180 million worth of cheese.
Not all unusual currencies are edible. In
ancient China, the shells from cowries, a type of sea snail, were used
as money because they were easy to carry but difficult to forge, and
therefore hard to counterfeit. And the 21st Century has seen the rise of
electronic currencies, such as Bitcoin, which can only be bought, sold,
and stored online.
Electronic currencies can be used worldwide without the exchange rate fees or credit card fees that accompany traditional money.
Several companies, such as and
blogging platform WordPress, now accept Bitcoin as payment. So maybe
soon we’ll be telling our grandkids to save their Bitcoins for a rainy
Israel said on Wednesday it was considering regulation of “bitcoin”
and warned citizens that using such decentralized virtual currencies was
As a crypto-currency, bitcoin is passed between two parties digitally
and can be traded on exchanges for real-world currencies. Its value
fluctuates according to user demand but it is not backed by any
government or central bank.
Supporters of bitcoin are drawn to its decentralized platform and say
it is here to stay. Detractors call it a bubble and expect it to be
forgotten in a year or two.
However, it has proved increasingly popular and governments and
regulators around the world have been searching for the best way to
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