The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Sunday, 22 October 2017

What are you, a five year old?

Dear Friends: "Let's get things back into perspective here!"

Your humble reporter was flipping through a science magazine today and I came across an article that described in great detail how certain things can evoke feelings of love and lust and envy and anger and surprise ...., and a whole bunch of other stuff I won't bore you with here, but let's just say that I also ran across something that gave me an immediate feeling of disgust and anger:

 This picture reminds me of when Anderson Cooper of CNN said to Drumpf: "What are you, a five year old?"

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